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Tax Pills

Green light to the pre-filled Vat return from 1 July 2021


In a Decision of the Director of the Revenue Agency rules and recipients involved by the new initiative. The first prepopulated drafts of the registers will be available starting next September 13th. Therefore, despite the pandemic, everything is in its place for the launch of the experimental phase of the innovative pre-filled VAT form, particularly thanks to the disposal of the data reported on the e-invoices and payments stockpiled and worked in due time by the Revenue Agency. It’s useful to remember that with today's Decision have been fixed either the procedures for preparing the pre-filled VAT documents or the modalities to follow to access the dedicated channel and filing processes related to the prepopulated new Vat tax returns. Furthermore has been also identified the large audience of operators and specialized professionals affected by the novelty. Finally, the Decision also regulates the data storage activities and the modalities all records, once memorized, will treated respecting security and privacy rules.

How the prepopulated Vat return works - In detail, the Italian Revenue Agency will create VAT ledgers and draft quarterly VAT returns, till to encompass also annual return, for Italian resident entities only. Particularly, for the preparation of these Vat reports, the Agency will be allow to use transactions and data processed through the SdI e-invoicing system, communications of cross-border transactions and daily online cash till reports and also the fiscal data present in the “Anagrafe Tributiaria” or tax register , such as, for example, those of the VAT return of the previous year and of the communications of the periodic payments of the previous quarters. However, businesses will be able to review and amend the fiscal returns before approval. While, regard to non-resident Italian VAT-registered businesses, they will still be obliged to complete and submit their VAT returns as currently.

The experimental phase step by step - In short, the preparation of the draft VAT registers and the communications of periodic settlements (Lipe models) will start in conjunction with the operations carried out starting from 1 July 2021, while the draft of the annual VAT return will be made available to taxpayers starting from the operations carried out from 1 January 2022. The latter date therefore concerns the returns that must be submitted by 2023. Therefore, in summary, the process of simplifying a vast range of tax obligations linked to pre-filled VAT with respect to VAT ledgers pursuant to art. 23 and 25 of the Italian VAT Decree, quarterly communication of VAT calculation and annual VAT return will all begin for transactions carried out as of 1 January 2022. Particularly, in its initial phase, for the third quarter of 2021, access will be allowed starting from 13 September and the operator will have until the end of October to view and possibly modify or integrate the drafts of the third quarter registers.

Direct or "indirect" access - Each VAT taxable person, directly or through the intermediary who has the mandate to use electronic invoicing services, will be able to access the documents through a dedicated web application within the Invoices and payments portal Pre-filled VAT and perform a series of operations, such as view, consult, print and save data, extract draft documents and send communications of periodic payments and the annual VAT return. An information section will be available in the dedicated web application that will guide taxpayers step by step in using all the features provided.

Stefano Latini